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- LIBRARY Thumbdrives
Being Prepared Library Thumb drive
- $60.00
- When the world is going to hell in a handbag, it's time to Be Prepared and to LEARN and COLLECT KNOWLEDGE! Introducing the "Being Prepared" Library- everything you need to know to be SELF RELIANT in a world gone crazy. This USB thumb drive is 54GB with almost 3000 books on every subject you need to know about. FREE…
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- Historical Health, Historical Receipts
The Modern Family Receipt Book- 1825
- $0.00
- This Receipt book from 1825 is absolutely FABULOUS! Recipes for cooking, preserving, cleaning and health, and a multitude of instructions for life around the farm, land management, dealing with pests, how to make your own paints/glues/cements/varnish,.... pretty much how to do everything you could need if you were running a large household and farm! I Discussed this book in my…
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- Health, Historical Health
American Medicinal Plants used as homeopathic remedies 1887
- $0.00
- American Medicinal Plants used as homeopathic remedies, Vol 1 & 2, by Charles Millspaugh MD 1887 This is the two volume set of books that I completely geeked out on during Jason Breshear's show with me on Archaix YouTube on July 13th 2023. This is an exceptionally good quality copy of both volumes.
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- History, LIBRARY Thumbdrives
Library: HISTORY Thumbdrives
- $80.00
- Welcome To All Things HISTORY!! This Is A 2 Thumb drive Set That Contains My Entire HISTORY Library. HISTORY: 115 GB, Over 6400 books and documents on every subject imaginable under the subject of History. There is a section of modern “main stream” historical books, but the vast majority are historical books from pre 1900's. FREE SHIPPING: All Thumb drives…
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- Health, LIBRARY Thumbdrives
LIBRARY: Health Thumb Drive
- $60.00
- Welcome to everything you wanted to know about HEALTH! This thumb drive contains my entire HEALTH library, including my extensive Herbal, and Historical Medical collections. The HEALTH Library is organized by subject for easier reference. HEALTH LIBRARY: 54 GB, over 4000 books, documents & studies. FREE SHIPPING: All Thumb drives are shipped via Royal Mail, globally. Please be sure to…
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- Historical Receipts
Workshop Receipts, for Manufacturers, Mechanics & scientific amateurs, 1889
- $7.00
- This is a 12 book set of PDFs of Ernest Spon’s Workshop Receipts for Manufacturers, Mechanics & Scientific Amateurs including the first 5 volumes from 1883 and the second edition printed in 1903. Everything you can possibly make, fix, create or build. With full instructions to make fireworks, to preserve food, to build a house, to glaze pottery, to do…
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- Historical Health, Vaccines
Vaccine Book Collection: 1800’s to early 1900’s
- $5.00
- Collection of 28 pdfs of "Anti-Vaccine" books written 1800's to early 1900's This is a collection of 18 books written between 1800 - 1920, warning about the dangers of vaccines, and the push to make vaccine compulsory. These books are from the US, Canada and UK. NOTE: This collection is also part of the LIBRARY on Health Thumbdrive available here…
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- Health, Vaccines
Truth Will Prevail: 1200 studies that refute Vaccine safety claims
- $0.00
- Truth Will Prevail: 1200 studies that refute the claims that the "science is settled", that vaccines are safe, and that vaccines are effective and actually work. This is a massive pdf with over 700 pages of information, and the studies that turn the "Vaccine Narrative" upside down.
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- Historical Health, Historical Receipts
The Still Room, By Mrs Charles Roundell 1903
- $0.00
- This is a pdf copy of a wonderful book of receipts/recipes from 1903!! For everything from making butter and cheese, to preserving meats, making vinegars and sauces, beer and wine, and even classic perfumery all things house needs to feed the family and keep it running smoothly. There are some fabulous recipes in this book!!!
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- Historical Health
The Household Physician, Dr. McGregor-Robertson 1883
- $3.00
- The Household Physician by Dr. McGregor-Robertson- this is a pdf copy of the second edition of this book, which had an extra 500 pages added to it. This is my "10 pound book" that I talked about in my first episode of Removing the Shackles "Welcome to my crazy world". This book is over 1100 pages! NOTE: This book is…
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- Historical Health
The Herbal, or Complete History of Plants, John Gerard 1636
- $3.00
- This is a pdf copy of John Gerard's famous "The Herbal: Complete History of Plants"- the full book, with images/engravings, Over 1700 pages, 500mb. NOTE: This book is also part of the LIBRARY on Health Thumbdrive available here on RTS.Earth
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- Historical Health
The Destructive Art of Healing, Dr. Samuel Dickson, 1856
- $0.00
- This is a PDF copy of The Destructive Art of Healing, by Dr Samuel Dickson, is the sequel to "Fallacies of the Faculty".
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- Historical Health
The Botanic Guide to Health, the natural pathology of disease by Dr. A. Coffin, 1866
- $0.00
- One of my current favorite books, that I've used as a reference for several videos. Dr. Coffin show the corruption of the medical associations and apothecaries, and give herbal remedies for many sicknesses of his day.... many of which we still battle today. This is a pdf copy for download.
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- Historical Health
Old English Herbal/medical books, 1500-1600’s
- $8.00
- This is a pdf collection of 45 old english herbal/medicinal books from 1500-1600's. The collection contains 45 books (3.2GB) including: - John Gerards Complete Herbal, 1633 - Dioscorides De Materia Medica, English translation of 1655 - The Boke of Herbs or Bancke's Herbal, 1548 - Robert Lovell, A Complete herbal, 1659 - Deodoens Herbal, 1578 - The Herbalist Charter, King…
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- Historical Health
Nicholas Culpeper Collection of mostly original works
- $5.00
- This is a PDF collection of herbalist and doctor Nicholas Culpeper's books written in the mid 1600's. This collection contains 14 original ebooks- I have included several versions of two of his most famous books as they have added content. I have also included an original copy of a Very rare book of Culpeper's: Semeiotica Uranica or Astrological judgment of…
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- Historical Health
New Guide to Health, or Botanic Family Physician, by Samuel Thompson, 1831
- $0.00
- I quoted from this book in the "Fallacies of the faculty, Cycles of Control & Corruption" video last week. Samuel Thompson was an early 19th century herbalist in the United States, who's personal story is very interesting! This is a pdf downloadable copy of the book
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- Historical Health, Historical Receipts
My Receipt Book, by a Lady 1886
- $0.00
- A pdf copy of "My Receipt Book" by a Lady, written in 1886 This lovely receipt/recipe book is one that I showed on my "books books books" video that had the newspaper clippings in it from 1901!! Full of cooking recipes, and even a few household tips... you know, for how to blacken your boots properly :D Over 600 recipes…
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- Health
Herbal Drugs and Phyto-pharmaceuticals, second edition 2001
- $0.00
- PDF copy of Herbal Drugs and Phyto-pharmaceuticals: A Handbook for Practice on a Scientific Basis With Reference to German Commission E Monographs, Second Edition 2001
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- Historical Health
Fallacies of the Faculty, Dr. Samuel Dickson, 1850
- $0.00
- This is a pdf copy of Fallacies of the Faculty, by Dr. Samuel Dickson is a book that I read from in the "Fallacies of the Faculty: Cycles of Control & Corruption" video.
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